... what now?
We find ourselves in uncharted territory. For many, the implications of the current situation are hardships: job insecurity and/or...

Ayurvedic Routines for Wellness: Abhyanga (Ayurvedic massage)
Ayurvedic Routines for Wellness: Abhyanga Ayurvedic massage, or Abhyanga, is a fantastic addition to your daily, weekly, or sporadic body...

Studio flow and thoughts on letting go...
Sometimes in the middle of a winter that refuses to be winter you just have to switch things up a bit and seek out inspiration in new...

Ayurvedic Routines for Wellness: Prāṇāyāma
It is hard to argue with the importance of breathing. And yet, inefficient breathing is an epidemic in modern life resulting from poor...

Ayurvedic Routines for Wellness: Tongue Scraping
With Winter and Kapha season upon us, what are some daily routines we can incorporate into our daily life to promote balance and health?...

Cultivating Grace
Recently, I have been exploring the cultivation of grace through the balance between oppositional extension/stabilization and internal...
5 months pregnant, modified second series ashtanga practice
This is my current modified Ashtanga Second Series Practice (plus the first two postures of 3rd) for 2nd trimester pregnancy ... and...
real life yoga.
For those who don't already know, i am pregnant with my second child ;) Via a sped up video montage, here are parts of my current...
practicing flight.
earthing, i savor the grounded path, as my body sews a growing life. my creative mind, stilled, suspended in the free fall of...