Brinson Leigh Kresge

Brinson Leigh Kresge is an MFA candidate and a teaching assistant at UNC Wilmington, where she serves as co-fiction editor for Ecotone.
Her nonfiction has been published in the New York Times and in Assay: A Journal of Nonfiction Studies, and her poetry, in 805 Lit + Art. Kresge's writing and choreography have also appeared in mixed-media art presentations in the United States and Osaka, Japan.
As the Mobile Moves, one of Kresge’s current projects, is a full-length, genre-bending manuscript that reflects the complexity of identity, interconnectedness, and impermanence through a dismantling of formalities and a shifting interplay of form.
Kresge was recently awarded a Brauer Fellowship, a UNCW Graduate Student Association Travel Grant, and was selected as a 2023-2024 Research Fellow for the UNCW Gender Studies & Research Center to support research for her novel And the Water Goes on in Both Directions, a work that wrestles with what constitutes family, whose story is whose to tell, what it means to be a mother, and how we cope with grief, as filtered through the lens of queer experience.