Brinson Leigh Kresge
Pranayama: Breath of Life Workshop
Saturday January18, 2020
3 - 5pm
at Hot House Yoga (West End)
Prāṇāyāma, or yogic breathing, is the fourth limb of Patanjali’s 8-limbs of yoga and is the bridge between the outer limbs of in-action practice and the inner limbs, which incline our yoga practice toward a more spiritual realm.
Inefficient breathing is an epidemic in modern life, resulting from poor posture, limited physical exertion, lack of physiological understanding, and a dearth of experiential education. Concurrently, the breadth of scientific study touting the benefits of deep breathing continues to expand. Benefits include: reduced inflammation, detoxification through the stimulation of the lymphatic system, a natural painkiller, improved blood flow, increased energy level, and improved digestion.
In this workshop, we will learn foundational techniques to guide the breath and discuss ways to go about establishing a practice which will allow us to use breath for self-observation and rediscover our energetic potential.
This workshop provides YA Registered Yoga Teachers with 2 direct-contact continuing education hours
(1 Techniques, Training & Practice hour & 1 Anatomy & Physiology hour)